
"Kahtlase minevikuga"või siis "kahtlase kvaliteediga" Volvodest; just info nende isendite kohta, mida püütakse müüa väga korras auto pähe. Ka ebaausad müüjad ja müügi kohad. Volvo Club annab oma tagasihoidliku panuse ausale müügitegevusele.
Volvo on ju seda väärt ...

Moderaatorid: JaanKaer, Igor, Leho, vanapeer

Foorumi reeglid
Hea Foorumlane ja Foorumi Lugeja,

Antud alafoorumisse postitamine on avatud kõigile registreeritud kasutajatele, kuid oma postitust tehes mõtle alati läbi järgnevad punktid:
1) Kas see postitus on lugejale vajalik?
2) Kas selles postituses on selgelt aru saada, milline osa sellest on fantaasia ning milline osa sellest on faktid?
3) Süüdistuste välja ütlemise asemel oleks ju kindlasti kohasem püstitada loogiline arutelu lahenduste leidmiseks, millest kõik võiksid midagi õppida!

Palun arvestage et foorum kui avalik tahvel ei saa vastutada selle peale kirjutatud sõnumite eest, kuid vajadusel olge valmis ise nende eest seisma!
Kasutaja avatar
Foorumi veteran
Postitusi: 1321
Liitunud: 21 Sept 2005, 14:17
Asukoht: Patika


PostitusPostitas JaanKaer » 19 Mär 2008, 15:32

Vaatan autosid siit ja sealt. Nii kodumaa pinnalt kui ka kaugemalt eemalt. Ikka ja jälle torkavad just EU lõunaosariikides silma kummalised pakkumised. Põhiliselt on tegu 2000-2007 aasta autodega, mille eest küsitakse naeruväärsed summad.

- BMW 318 2004a 4000EURi

- BMW 325 2001a 3800EURi

kõike ei hakka siia nüüd loopima, aga noo ütleme nii et näiteid on palju... Muideks - kelle pettumuseks, rõõmustuseks - ka meie automüüjate piiblis

Mõtlesin mis ma mõtlesin, otsustasin siiski lõpuks torkida neid ning välja selgitada nende lõpliku olemuse. Mis selle taga peitub ning kuidas seda kõike juhitakse.

Skeem näeb lihtsale inimesele, nagu ka mulle, välja järgmine

- saadad meili stiilis "hellõu, väga bro masin, räägi mulle lähemalt/miks hind selline/kus asub jne jne"
- kavalamatel on oskuslikult välja koolitatud ka auto-vastaja, mis saadab sulle süütu kirjakese tagasi juba loetud minutite pärast (kolmele sama inimese poolt pakutud autole sain kolm identse sisuga kirja tagasi). Üldjuhul kirjutatakse ikka kui vaimustavalt hea auto, ent kui kahju tal sellest loobuda on.

/---/It was never been involved in accidents.It has no scratches or something else.I am the first owner of the car.This is my last price and the car it's not in leasing so you have to pay only this price and nothing more..I have all the papers of the car and the service book as well.Everything is OK with the car. If you are interested please write me an e-mail.
Maggio Aurizio

- noo okei... ilus asi jah. See oli üks näide autovastajast. Kirjutame siis seekord mitte tühja meilboksi vaid siis nii, et saaksime inimeselt ikka järelkaja, mis värk on.

Hello Maggio Aurizio,

the car looks fine from the pictures. But I'd still like to see it myself and check all the paperwork and documentary. Of course you realize, the car is gonna be exported. In order to export it I need transit/export reg. numbers for the car and a temporary EU insurance (a 14 days).

Where exactly is the vehicle situated?

- Kõik loogiline... nii ja saame peagi vastuse, mis esmapilgul ei äratagi kahtlust ikka veel...

Now if you are intrested to buy it let me know how do you want to recive the car.
You have 3 options to buy this car :

1) I will come personaly with the car in your country BUT i will need a warranty that i will not come for nothing.
2) I can send you the car with a shipping company that will bring you the car in your home address in maximum 2-3 bussines days.The shipping taxes i will pay for it so all you have to pay is the car price and nothing more.We will use
for this so we can have a safe deal and your money and my car can be safe.
3) You can come and pick up the car from Brescia/Italy.
Let me know.

- Nii... milline inimene suvatseb tasuta sõitma ühest EU otsast teise ilma igasuguse tasuta? Milline inimene on nõus maksma tasuta transportimise eest ühest EU otsast teise?

- Nüüd! ühe skeemi ots on nimelt järgmises sm. Mustafa Ali kirjas. Lugege tähelepanelikult ja rahulikult läbi. Kõik kes seda skeemi kasutavad jõuavad lõpuks ikka selleni välja.

I am free and can come from you to sell the car, however since want to be secure that you are serious, it thought to conclude in serious and transparent manner. I believe it is just that you make see myself than are serious and that have the money to buy my first car that I come to your address in Estonia. I don't want any money advance because I believe that is just without to have monitored the car. The guarantee will be a transfer of money with Western Union Money Transfer in which you are the sender and the receiver will be the yours best friend (or seeming). You should do a transfer of euro 700, equal to 20% of the price of the car included the expenditures, to the yours best friend (or seeming) but in Italy, like he is in Italy . After that you will have done that will send me for email the scanning of the receipt of the transfer.. After that I will have received it and I will have monitored on the site that it is true i will confirms and you withdraw the money back.. I take the car and come to yours address in Estonia to meet you. Together we will monitor that the car at the police post in your city and ifter that i will transfer the documents into your name. You will pay me the sum reached an agreement on except for the expenditures that supported for the transfer with Western Union Money Transfer. The total price to pay and' of euro 3.450 . And 'important for me than you do not lose nothing for the transfer that shows that you have the money to buy the car, for this the cost I am at load mine.
To summarize:
1. You do the transfer, are the sender.
2. The yours better friend and' the receiver, but should not withdraw the money; you will withdraw it from where did the deposit.
3. I monitor on the site that the transfer and' real and send you email of confirmation to withdraw the money back.
4. You go where did the deposit and withdraw yourself the money. Preserve the receipt for to make me see than pays you had. I will remove them from the price of the car.
5. Excuse me if I am so precauto in the business but on internet there is too frauds and little persons series. I thought about this system so I am secure that you have the money to buy the car and you not risks nothing perche' the money send them a person that alone you know (even if then not withdraw them). I guarantee that the description of my car introduced on the site corresponds to truth and that have not nothing to hide for how much pertains this sale.

- Võtkem siinkohal kõne Western Union Eesti esindustega. Sellega tegeleb meil ei keegi muu kui Eesti Post. Nendepoolne vastus on ühene - ÄRGE MITTE MINGIL JUHUL VÕTKE OSA SELLEST PETTUSEST! Nimelt piisab sellistes arengumaades väga vähesest, et "feikida" dokumente ning selle abil sinu saadetud raha välja võtta.

Näide. Mart jääbki sinisilmselt seda uskuma. Saadab papi naine Marile. Asukohamaaks panebki Brescia, Itaalia. Saab Western Unionist tõendi, et makse tehtud. Skännib masinasse ning saadabki Mustafa Alile. Ali vaatab - ahah Mari on saaja. Haarab oma naise kaasa, vehib talle käbe võltsdokumendid, ronib sellesse osakonda, kus Mardi raha vedeleb omanikuta ning laseb välja võtta.

Küsimusele "kui paljud juba sedasi oma raha on kaotanud", vastas tädi Eesti Posti teises toru otsas: "Oeh... kahjuks iga nädal kümned! Edasi läheb asi küll politseisse, ent jah..."

See on vaid üks näidis kirjavahetus. Viimastel päevadel on sääraseid "kudumeid" mul inboxis kümnete viisi. Kõigil täpselt sama viis raha ülekanneteks. Kusjuures - lausa nagu vihastatakse, kui sa lubad, et ma tulen ise kohale ja sularahaga arveldan vaid :D

Hetkel on käimas ka üks teine analoogne variant, mis lubab saata auto sinuni. Hetkel kui saadetakse sulle "Tracking number" et auto on teele suunatud, tuleks tellijal teha ülekanne jällegi mustafa-ali nimelisele. Hetkel ma nokin selle skeemi kallal. Kui targemaks saan, postitan.

PS. Lisan mõne aja pärast ka ühe kõige haledamalt võltsitud tehnopassi.

Kasutaja avatar
Foorumi veteran
Postitusi: 1321
Liitunud: 21 Sept 2005, 14:17
Asukoht: Patika

PostitusPostitas JaanKaer » 19 Mär 2008, 15:47

Kes veel ikka on veendunud et uued masinad ei maksa midagi ning kui ka S E E ei veena, siis kena ostu! :)

Siinkohal pöörakem tähelepanud algajast photoshopperit - Nimi ning kütuse liik on kõvastu ilusama ja tumedama tooniga kui kõik muu mis paberil. Samas - just nende ümbrus on kõige hägusem võrreldes muu teksti ümbrusega.

Foorumi veteran
Postitusi: 1441
Liitunud: 19 Veebr 2006, 10:30
Asukoht: Tallinn - Pärnu

PostitusPostitas ddig » 19 Mär 2008, 17:37

Ma ka kunagi natuke lõbustasin ennast sellega :)

Loodame, et neid lolle, kes sellise jamaga petta saavad, ikka vähem oleks ...

Kasutaja avatar
Foorumi veteran
Postitusi: 1321
Liitunud: 21 Sept 2005, 14:17
Asukoht: Patika

PostitusPostitas JaanKaer » 19 Mär 2008, 18:10

Noo minu parim pärl oli ühelt naisterahvalt (vähemalt nii ta väitis end olevat) ning üks ühele selline:

My name is Armin Harich,
I am located in Napoli/Italy and in a few words I want to explain you my situation:
the car was owned by my brother that was student in München/Germany and he died a month ago in a motorcycle accident and let me the car.

I will answer to all your questions after i will receive the confirmation that you agree with my terms of sale.

Here is a link where you can find pictures with the car from all the angles:

** Feew days ago a person from Norway, told to me that is 100% decided to buy the car. I said OK, we will meet in Milano and we will make the deal on spot.
When I came in Milano, no buyer and never respond to my emails or calls, so here is what I'm sugesting you just to avoide to make the same mistake 2 times:
-All the time that my brother lived in München, I have sent him money trough a cash transfer service, that has a website too and with this service i'll have the necessarry prouve to take a decision regardind my trip to Germany.
The service name is Western Union Money Transfer and the website is ;
You can find a Western Union Agency in your location into a Bank or a Postal Office or at this link:

** You will have to choose a person from your family (wife,husband,mother,father,sister) or your best friend to make a transfer of EUR 2900 of the price from his name (from yours location) into your name, but in Milano (just like you are allready in Milano).
The person that will wire the money into your name, will be the sender of the transfer and you the receiver and only you two will have the control of this funds.
After the transfer is done, the person that will wire the money will receive a receipt from the western Union agent and all you have to do is to scann this receipt and to send it to me attached trough e-mail.
This paper will be enough for me to see that you have the money and your interes in buying my car is real.
At my turn, as soon as I will see the scanned receipt that will show me that this amount is valid in your Western Union account in Milano, I will make some researches at the Airport, to see when I'll have flights to Milano.
We will set up a place and a time when we should meet in Milano.

** I think that you'll understand my concerne and my terms of sale will not be a problem for you if you realy want the car and if you are a serious person.
I don't want to buy the plane ticket, to come and then to wait for you and maybe you will never come, as my first client from Norway.
I have lost a lot of money for that trip and my trust in people. If I will see the receipt, then I will be sure that you have the money and you will be there to wait for me when I will arrive in Milano.

** I want to make all clear and to tell you that, I have put a location from Germany at random, just to be able to post my ad on
I have found this web site on and I have post the ad on others web sites too, because I want to sell it faster.
When you will come in Milano, we will go to a mechanic to confirm you that the car runs perfect and to a Police office to confirm you that the car it's not stolen.
If something is wrong with this car and if will not be as I have described you, then I will pay for your trip and for the time that you will lose. The car is in
perfect conditions it's like new, I know how much my brother took care of it.
The car papers are on my name now and I will transfer the documents of the car and the plates number on your name and after that we both go to a Western Union Office in Milano to get the money that
has been sent from the person from your family (wife,mother,father,sister) or your best friend.

** I have to tell you that,to transfer money trough Western Union you will pay a commission.
This is not a problem, because when we will meet in Milano/Italy, I will refund you the commission from my pocket. Also when the sender will go to the Western Union office i think it is better not to tell that the transfer is for a car purchase because will pay a higher commision for the transfer, and to tell that is for a personal emergency.

** I will wait your answer only if you will agree with my proposal, if not don't reply to waste my time with other ways to close the deal.
For more details feel free to contact me anytime on my mail address.

Thank you for contacting me and hope you will understand my point of view!!!

Kasutaja avatar
Foorumi veteran
Postitusi: 4031
Liitunud: 12 Veebr 2006, 13:50
Asukoht: Kuressaare

PostitusPostitas taavi » 19 Mär 2008, 19:01

sellisele võiks saata võltsitud western unioni kviitungi :P las ta jalutab panga vahet ja nõuab raha, kui muud ei saa, siis vähemalt vihaseks teeb neegri küll, et raha ei ole :P
460 - RIP
850 t5 166kw 1997 - RIP
V70 103kW 1998 - daily driver
Amazon B20 '67

Kasutaja avatar
Foorumi veteran
Postitusi: 1321
Liitunud: 21 Sept 2005, 14:17
Asukoht: Patika

PostitusPostitas JaanKaer » 19 Mär 2008, 19:47

Kusjuures... käis see mõte peast läbi sm. taavi! Aga ma ei viitsinud jahmerdada ega laskuda niivõrd madalale tasemele. Punkt kaks on ka see, et seda show tahaks ju ise ka kõrvalt kaeda ja siis nurga taga pihku itsitada.

Kasutaja avatar
Foorumi veteran
Postitusi: 4031
Liitunud: 12 Veebr 2006, 13:50
Asukoht: Kuressaare

PostitusPostitas taavi » 08 Apr 2008, 14:19

väheke offtopik foorumi ideolooga mõistes, aga siiski on ta petuskeem. HEtkel mängin kaasa ja ootan raha :D



---------- Edastatud kiri ----------
From: George Brown <>
To: üks@majutusasutus.saaremaal
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 00:26:48 -0500
Subject: Reservation For 6 Delegates .
My name is Mr George Ray Brown, we have 6 delegates that are interested in booking your 6 rooms for a holiday . Kindly get back to me with the total cost for the 6 single rooms for 10 nights but we can pay by ( CHEQUE ).


Arrival / Check-in Date = 15th MAY 2008
Departure / Check-Out Date = 25th MAY 2008.

Hope to hear from you soonest with the total cost for the stay in British Pounds Sterling (GBP).
With Best Regards
George Ray Brown



Total cost would be 1000£ and we accept only cash or bank transfer what you can pay on site.


Sellele järgnes kiirelt vastus:

saatja George Ray Brown <> peida detailid 1:35 (12 tunni eest)
saaja hoopis@teine.e-mail,mis.enne
kuupäev 08.04.2008 1:35
teema Payment Arrangement By ( Cheque )

Thanks for your swift response and assistance so far. I am glad to tell you that i have concluded with the delegates for the payment/confirmation of the rooms.

I am going to send to you a ( CHEQUE ) that will cover the cost of the accommodation and the necessary transport arrangement the delegates will use through out their stay. due to the previous reservation made a ( CHEQUE ) has been made already for this holiday.

Moreover, i did made an arrangement with logistics Agent in charge of flight ticket and and car hiring for your country, we will forward the ( CHEQUE ) within 7 days,

You are required to cash the ( CHEQUE ), the amount on the ( CHEQUE ) is 5,500 POUNDS , keep your reservation payment of 1,000 POUNDS for your accommodation / service rendered.

Transfer the balance of 4,500 POUNDS to the Logistics Agent via Western Union Money Transfer OR Bank Transfer to be able secure flight tickets and other logistics regarding the trip, i will get back to you with the information for the Agent immediately you withdraw the money for transfer.

Confirm the above email with the following for further communication:

1, NAME IN FULL ......
2, FULL ADDRESS ...........

Below are the Names of the 6 Delegates:

1, Mr Carlos Roma.
2, Mr John Ohms.
3, Dr Rose Cutter.
4, Dr Gerald Cole.
5, Mrs Nicole Jones.
6, Barr Tom Jefferson.

Thanks for your co-operation

Mr George Ray Brown
Address: 303 Fulham Road; Chelsea; London; Greater London; SW10 9QH
Ph: +44-703-590-5301

Igatahes nüüd edastasin talle oma aadressi ja jään tsekki ootama :\

Saan loodetavasti midagi seina peale ära raamida :P
460 - RIP
850 t5 166kw 1997 - RIP
V70 103kW 1998 - daily driver
Amazon B20 '67

Postitusi: 30
Liitunud: 17 Apr 2008, 20:41
Asukoht: Tallinn

PostitusPostitas Ranet » 10 Aug 2008, 17:00

Tundub sama petuskeem. ... +%3E%3E&PN

Sõber küsis ka lisainfot auto kohta ja sai sellise vastuse.

Hello ,
     I see that you are interested in my car VolkswagenPassat. The car is in excellent condition, and is currently registeredin Finland, 1 hand, Finland papers, never involde in any accidents, noscratches, no damage, never been laid down or required any repairs, theengine works perfectly, it has the technical book and all papers, andall the other options . The car will arrive at your address with allthe necessary papers so you can register the car on your name and inyour city . The original receipt and all remained warranty informationpacket with Enrollment number is included for you. The price I want toobtain for it is 6.200¤ (shipping fees included). The car is nowlocated in London, England (UK) because I moved recently. I decidedthat is better to sell it because I do not use it anymore the steeringwheel is on left side and is very difficult for me to drive it inLondon and it is too bad to keep such a car and not to use it. The carmake more money but i told you i want to sell it soon so i can buy herea car with the steering wheel on the right side. If you are reallyinterested please reply me so I can give you more information so canstart to complete the transaction. The car is insured in chase ofdamage and you will receive it at your door in 5 working days. Pleaselet me know .
Thank you !

Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 16
Liitunud: 28 Apr 2010, 09:14
Asukoht: Jõhvi

Re: Petuskeemid

PostitusPostitas kain » 28 Jaan 2011, 18:51

Siin siis minu käimasolev auto kauplemine. Ajad on muutunud, jutt tuleb nii inglise, kui ka eesti keeles:


The car is in good condition,no technical damage ,never crushed. The paint is like
new. I had a work contract in Estonia and I used to live there , but now I end the
work in Estonia and I had to return back in England with the car. The car is
registered in Estonia with all the documents. Now , the car is located in England
with me. I have tried to drive and register it here,but the costs were to high and
also the steering is on the left, so again is very difficult for me to use it here -
that is the reason I have decided to sell the car. I have it ready to be shipped to
Estonia or where ever you want on my costs if you are interested to buy it. I have
already payed for all the transaction fees to Estonia so the delays should be as
minimum as possible (delivery time: from 3 to 4 days depending on your exact
location). If you have questions about the car or the deal please do not hesitate to
contact me. The shipping company is based in United Kingdom and they will take care
of the transfer of the ownership from my name to yours.

Let me know your decision.

Thank you in advance!


Auto on heas seisukorras, ei ole tehnilisi kahju, kunagi purustada. värvi on nagu
uus. Mul oli töölepingus Eestis ja ma kasutasin seal elada, aga nüüd ma lõpuks
Eestisse tööle ja ma pidin naasta Inglismaal autoga. Auto on Eestis registreeritud
koos kõigi dokumentidega. Nüüd, auto asub Inglismaal koos minuga. Olen püüdnud
juhtida ja registreerida see siin, kuid kulud olid suured ja ka rool on vasakul, nii
et jälle on väga raske minu jaoks, et kasutada seda siin - see on põhjus, ma olen
otsustanud müüa auto. Mul on see valmis vedada Eestisse või kus iganes sa tahad oma
kulusid, kui olete huvitatud osta. Olen juba payed kõigi tehingutasud Eestile nii
viivitusi peaks olema võimalikult minimaalne kui võimalik (Tarneaeg: 3-4 päeva
sõltuvalt teie täpse asukoha). Kui teil on küsimusi auto või tegeleda ärge kartke
minuga. laevaühing asub Ühendkuningriigis ja nad hoolitsevad omandiõiguse üleminek
minu nimi sinu.

Andke mulle teada oma otsusest.

Tänan ette!

Guido Mukk
Postitusi: 7
Liitunud: 25 Juun 2010, 17:40

Re: Petuskeemid

PostitusPostitas Guido Mukk » 04 Veebr 2011, 16:37

Minu kogemused..ühe eesti eksklusiivne ja korralik auto kohale toomise firmaga.
Me oleme isegi nii lahked et tõlgime teile eesti keelde..kuid lisame hinnale automaatselt selle eest 2000 euri juurde. Ja siis alles hakkame rääkima kohale toomis hindadest.

Kasutaja avatar
Foorumi veteran
Postitusi: 1146
Liitunud: 21 Okt 2008, 13:46
Asukoht: pärnu mk

Re: Petuskeemid

PostitusPostitas anto123 » 04 Veebr 2011, 20:11

Juhtus tuttaval selline lugu.
Eelmis kinnisvara buumi ajal õnnestus oma korter (pärandusex saadud) korraliku hinnaga maha müüa ja vana otsustas korraliku auto osta. Otsis auto24 lehelt siis suht värske 750 BMW välja ja ka hind vanal sobis, maxis küll ca 250k, kuid turu hind oli keskmiselt sellel klassil ja aastal ca 300+k.
Vanale auto meeldis ja ostis ära. Kuna hind oli hea siis ei mõtelnud kaua ja ei käinud ka esinduses ostueelsel kontrollil.
Sõitis rahulikult pea pool aastat kui auto andis märku, et õli vahetust vaja teha. Käis siis nagu korralik inimene BMW esinduses (united motors) ja lasi õli ära vahetada. Ja siis hakkasid alles jamad.
Järgmisel hommikul peale esinduses käimist koputasid politseinikud uksele ja palusid jaoskonda kaasa minna. Jaoskonnas kuulati vana 3-4 tundi üle ja selgus, et auto oli leedust varastatud ja WIN kood oli ümber vahetatud (keevitatud). Välja ei tulnud mitte WIN koodi (mis oli puhas ja ei seganud ka registrisse võtmist ja arvatavasti kuskilt leedu romulast laibax sõidetud auto pealt pärit) järgi vaid aju koodi järgi, peale õli vahetust nulliti masinal õli intervall ära ja siis jäi kuidagi arvuti programmi ka aju enda tootmis kood mis oli taga otsitav.
Auto müüja viskas oma simpel kaardi minema ja see oli (nr) juba kuskil teises kasutuses. Seega müüjat ei leitutki ja vana jäi lihtsalt veerand millisest autost ilma ja ei mingit kobinat, hea veel et kriminaal sja selga ei saanud. Auto läx siis õigele omanikule (leetu) tagasi.
Vana oli nii tige, et võtis kätte ja ostis odava wv passati millest ei pidavat vähemasti kahju olema.
Siit ka moraal. Esitex enne auto ostmist PEAB esinduses auto ette näitama, kuna probleemid WIN ja ajude koodid jäävad esinduses kohe maha ja vähendab orki kukkumist. Vähemasti kehtib see uuemate masinate kohta, 200 ja 700-ja ostmisega vast ei pea niipalju vaeva nägema.
Volvo S80 2,5td 99a

Kasutaja avatar
Kõva postitaja
Postitusi: 164
Liitunud: 09 Juul 2006, 22:40
Asukoht: Rapla-Tallinn

Re: Petuskeemid

PostitusPostitas V8 » 12 Veebr 2011, 20:58

Tundub olema järjekordne "odav" Merss:

Kasutaja avatar
Foorumi veteran
Postitusi: 7615
Liitunud: 24 Mär 2009, 19:56
Asukoht: Saue

Re: Petuskeemid

PostitusPostitas Liiwaannus » 12 Veebr 2011, 21:09

V8 kirjutas:Tundub olema järjekordne "odav" Merss:

Kahtlane jah, hind on müstika ja jutt on ka kahtlane. Vastus venekeelsele küsimusele jätab masintõlke mulje, samas teised vastused kommentaarid on ilusas eesti keeles. Võiks isegi laenatud/varastatud kontot kahtlustada. Lisaks on samal kasutajal müügil terve hulk laste asju ja ka kia picanto, mille kommentaariks on kirjas, et jääb perele väikseks ja asukoht on keila harjumaa.
99a 1.8 90kw s40 Müüdud
V70 97a 2.5tdi Müüdud
V70 '11
Tee inimesele lõke ja tal on soe üheks päevaks, pista ta põlema ja tal on soe elu lõpuni. (Terry Pratchett)

Kasutaja avatar
Kõva postitaja
Postitusi: 164
Liitunud: 09 Juul 2006, 22:40
Asukoht: Rapla-Tallinn

Re: Petuskeemid

PostitusPostitas V8 » 12 Veebr 2011, 21:58

Postitusi: 62
Liitunud: 11 Jaan 2010, 20:49
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Petuskeemid

PostitusPostitas bob_ » 17 Juul 2011, 15:00

Tegin ka üks laup. hommik aega parajaks :)

Sirvisin ja jäi silma auto mille kuulutuse juures oli väga minimaalselt infot, oli ainult mark, mudel, vl aasta ja üks pilt. Müüja asukohariigiks oli märgitud Itaalia. Kuna hind oli utoopiliselt madal, siis huvipärast saatsin talle otse mobliest maili, paludes ainult saata mulle auto kohta rohkem infot ja pilte, muud ostuhuvi üles ei näidanud.

Ei läinud poolt tundigi, kui oli postkastis järgmine vastus:

Hello First of all you must know that right now Im located in Dumfries, United Kingdom due to my job and the car will be shipped from here. It is very difficult for me to drive the car with the steering wheel on the left side in United Kingdom, so I`m forced to sell it. I bought this car while I was working in Italy, now I am back to United Kingdom and I want to sell it. The car it is registered in Italy, has all papers written in italian. The car is in perfect condition inside and outside as well. Never involved in any accidents, no scratches and always garage keep. I never smoke in it and i want to sell it to a serious person who will take very good care of it. The car have the steering wheel on the left side. It will come with a clear title, bill of sale signed by me as well and all the papers (including the original manuals and keys) that you will need to register it under your name. If you decide to buy my car I can arrange the delivery to your country and a 5 days inpsection period. I would like to inform you that we will use an International Shipping Company for insurance. In United Kingdom this shipping company is very popular and trust worthy. Let me know if you agree and I will provide you all details regarding shipment and payment. Waiting for your answer! Best regards!

Tegelikult ju ühelegi minu küsimusele ei vastatud ja loomulikult ei saadetud ka ühtegi pilti. Kirjutasin siis lühidalt uuesti, et palun saatke autost veel pilte ja varustuse nimekiri.
Tuli uus vastus :D

Hello, The car is located in Dumfries, UK, the total price for the car including shipping taxes is XXXX Eur, I will leave the car under the custody of the company, they will handle the payment and shipment, The shipper will notify you about payment details and shipping arrangements, you will have to send the warranty deposit to them (50%), when the car will arrive at your destination the inspection period will begin. In these 5 days you can test drive the car and if by any chance the car will not be as you expect you can return it and you will be refunded in total. The shipper will pick it up and return it to UK, if your decision will be positive you can sign the sale papers and the shipping company will send me the money for the car. I hope you understand the procedure and if you agree we can start by sending me your name and address to start the shipping process. Phone: 00447438993695 Thanks

Iseenesest tundub skeem väga lihtne. Proovitakse huviliselt varastada pool auto maksumusest.
Kuna konkreetse auto mudeli kohta tegelikult ühtegi täpset kirjeldust pole, siis ilmselt on tegemist juba varem kokku kirjutatud tekstiga, mis sobiks vastamiseks ükskõik millisele kuulutusele.
Soovitan olla ettevaatlik kõigil.


Kes on foorumil

Kasutajad foorumit lugemas: Registreeritud kasutajaid pole ja 9 külalist